HF - Heritage of Foley
HF stands for Heritage of Foley
Here you will find, what does HF stand for in Organization under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Heritage of Foley? Heritage of Foley can be abbreviated as HF What does HF stand for? HF stands for Heritage of Foley. What does Heritage of Foley mean?The health medical organization is located in Foley, Minnesota, United States.
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Alternative definitions of HF
- Hartree Fock
- High Fidelity
- Hydrofluoric acid
- High Frequency
- High Frequency
- High Frequency
- High Frequency
- High Frequency
View 212 other definitions of HF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HC House of Chocolate
- HDSL Holman Design Services Ltd
- HAUK Heal Africa UK
- HRL Heather Robertson Law
- HWME Health and Wellness Marketing Executive
- HES Halls Elementary School
- HDA Hughes Design Associates
- HFI Holiday Foliage Inc
- HCG Hotel Corps de Garde
- HDLS HD Localization Studio
- HG The Howard Group
- HFAC Harpers Ferry Adventure Center
- HA House of Appliances
- HVI Harbour View Inn
- HHSC Habitat for Humanity of Sonoma County
- HPF Healthcare Professional Funding
- HBS Hidden Beauty Salon
- HSCL Halogen Security Company Limited
- HCS Hobby Creative Studio
- HCI Homemade Cooking Inc.